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Parkinson's disease

Vincent H.

Training regimen
20 private sessions followed by group classes 2x per week
Movement history
Hockey and Volleyball player
  • Severe appendicular rigidity on the affected side and frozen shoulder
  • Loss of dexterity on the affected side
  • Weakness in affected hand
  • Reduced stride length
  • Base of support is too small
  • Increase his movement velocity for an extended period of time while moving on a continuous cycle.
  • Increase reaction time in affected hand during grasping
  • Increase stride length and gait symmetry
  • Increase a bigger and more accurate moving base of support
  • Redirect attention to antagonistic muscles to better facilitate range of motion on the affected side. Connecting boxing biomechanics to reaching.
  • Motorvation Methodologies to retrain reaching and grasping while moving on a cycle
  • Purposeful count during gait with a more anterior center of pressure
  • Visual gesturing cues congruent with sound to increase amplitude while moving the base
  • He can raise his arm overhead while lifting weight up to 35 pounds
  • He can now reach for things within the home above chin level
  • Not much improvement on hand strength and dexterity. He also has nerve damage, so his hand is completely numb. This may be due to a co-occurring ailment and not Parkinson’s itself.
  • Increased reactive stepping and has regained symmetry in his gait when he is mindful

Video documentation

Balancing is much easier to accomplish when theres education in exercise. Understanding how weight transfers, how the pelvis needs to be positioned for specific weight transfer, where to focus the attention to drive effective movement.
Parkinson's disease, frozen shoulder, and an active tremor. Increasing reaching speed by connecting attention to the non affected side.
This was after learning tools to overcome loss of effort combined with some PT addressing the rigidity. No Levodopa yet...
Hand and eye coordination on a reflex ball.
Using sound to control flexion and extension in the hand.
I've been working with Motorvation since 2019. When I started I was walking hunched over and couldn't get out of a chair by myself. With Motorvation's training regimen, I'm now walking 3-4 miles per day, jumping rope, throwing a football, and golfing. Motorvation has given me back my inner athlete.
Vincent H.